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Les technologies numériques pourraient-elles être adoptées pour améliorer la qualité environnementale des constructions?

Thèse préparée par Mona Foroozanfar


Comité de thèse

  • NGUYỄN Thái Huyền, Enseignante, Université d'architecture de Hanoï (HAU)
  • Ferran YUSTA GARCIA, Maître de conférences, Ensap de Bordeaux

Planning des réunions sur la période 2021-2024

  • 30/09/2021, compte rendu du comité de thèse
  • 03/07/2023, compte rendu du comité de thèse
  • 24/06/2024, compte rendu du comité de thèse

Planning des déplacements hors laboratoire

Participation à des séminaires, des colloques, des journées d'études:
Campagnes d'entretien, d'enquêtes, d'observation, de mesures:
Rencontres-clés dans le déroulement de la thèse :

Lieu (Pays) : date début-date fin


The challenges of environmental protection are majors, the construction industry and urbanism policy has been under pressure to move toward the sustainability of our world. The building industry is a vital element of any economy but has a significant impact on the environment and specifically in the urban one. By virtue of its size, construction is one of the largest users of energy, material resources, and water, and it is a big polluter. In response to these impacts, there is growing consensus among organizations committed to environmental performance targets that appropriate strategies and actions are needed to make building activities more sustainable.

Sustainable building starts at the planning stage of a building and continues throughout its life to its eventual deconstruction and recycling of resources to reduce the waste stream associated with demolition. All that are generally under the urban policy rules and controls.

For receiving this goal we should consider different aspects of sustainability such as social, economic, environmental, and technical aspects and balance between the eco-centric and techno-centric dimensions in construction industry.

So one of the big questions for achieving sustainable construction is about the role of technologies: If technologies can be a solution for sustainable construction or not? If Yes, how? Accepting digital technologies as a solution for sustainable construction dependents upon a vast array of factors, therefore, the aim of current study is to examine the potential factors which can define the digital technologies as a solution for sustainable construction based of the opinion of students of Architecture as the future construction project stockholders and finally try to develop a model.


There are two main conceptual approaches about digital technology adoption and sustainable development: Cornucopianism and neo-Malthusianism which are two diametrically opposite perspectives on environmental issues and digital technology adoption. The first one is a matter of believe that technology can offer all answers with unlimited resources, the second one don’t believe that our world can be durable because of devastating effects of the free, and therefore exponential, development of the human population.

What about Digital Technology in that duality?


Model, Construction Project, Solution for Sustainability, Digital Technology.